Thursday, September 1, 2011

Game Night with Puck...

Julie Kagawa is holding a contest for us to win a signed ARC of The Iron Knight.

To win, you must answer this question: "If you had one day with Ash (or Puck), what would you do?"

Game night with Puck…

I would invite Puck over for game night with friends

Puck showed up late afternoon to ‘help’ me set up for game night. While I’m getting the snacks ready in the kitchen Puck offers to pick out the music to ‘set the mood’ for a fun game night. Hearing a few bangs I walk out to the living room to see what he’s up to, and find that he has put some kind of spell on my furniture and they are now stuck to the ceiling. When I ask him why he did this, he simply told me, “It has better feng shui this way.”

Frustrated that he is going to kill my party before anyone gets here, I drag him to the kitchen to help me get the food ready. I’m planning a simple menu of finger foods, egg rolls, potato skins, fruit, veggies, ect., and for desert we’ll have a mini cheese cakes. Figuring that Puck can’t mess up putting the cherries on my cheese cakes that is the task he is given.

Soon my guest start to arrive and as I guide them into my living room, Puck is sitting in one of my chairs, still hanging upside down, in its new more feng shui spot; flipping out of it he lands with the grace of an Olympic gymnast in front of my friend Amy as she walks in.

The evening continues with little incident as we play charades movie quotes, until my friend Tim gets the movie quote “You Shall Not Pass” from Lord of the Rings, and suddenly Tim is gone and I have Gandalf standing in my living room. Trying to calm it down I go to get my fancy desert, and in their place I find rat shaped cheese cakes with a big cherry nose.

As I stand in my kitchen contemplating if I can serve rat shaped cheese cake I hear dance club music pounding through my walls; thinking that the neighbor has turned up their music again I go to apologize to my guest. “I’m sorry-” is all I get out as I stand in horror. Puck has turned all my friends into their charades character, and my living room into a dance club. Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz is dancing with Gandalf as Toto growls and attacks his beard. Davy Jones is dancing with Minerva McGonagall, but instead of using his hand to hold her he is using his tentacles, and to top it off Hannibal Lector is stroking Elizabeth Bennett’s hair as they sway to the music.

Before I can react I hear someone speaking at my feet, “Human, those look delicious. May I?” It’s a gray cat. I don’t remember anyone pretending to be an animal I think as I offer it a cheese cake. “Who are you?” I ask.

“Oh, me. I’m Grimalkin. I like to attend parties Robin has been invited to, they are always so interesting.” I’m gaping at him open mouthed in shock. Licking his front paw he says, “That rat was divine, would you mind if I have another before they all get away?” I look at my tray to find that all my cheese cakes have turned into live rats that are now climbing on my arms, and faint dead away.

The next morning I wake up with a horrible headache, and the memory of a weird dream. Going to my living room I see my friends in various stages of awful. Then a gray cat curled up in the corner of the room catches my eye, lazily he lifts his head and says, “That’s what you get when you invite Robin Goodfellow to a party.”

For more information on Julie Kagawa or the Iron Fey series visit her blog:

1 comment:

  1. Haha, that's an awesome interpretation of what Puck would do ^^ Good luck in the contest, by the way xD Lol, your entry was fun to read and portrayed Puck really well.
