Saturday, February 4, 2012


I recently decided that American made TV shows (especially ones on HBO, Showtimes, Starz, and Cinemax) are tacky, violent, and glorify sex in a way I did not want to watch. Maybe I should clarify; I recently parched the show Camelot excited for a new telling of the legend of King Arthur. I will admit that I have enjoyed the writers take on how Arthur came to power, his knights, and Lady Guinevere; one thing that leaves me wondering is: Could they have told this story without all the nudity and sex? I guess this makes me a prude, but I would like to enjoy a show for its merits, not how often I see someone’s skin.

After coming to the aforementioned conclusion I decided to order some BBC shows online. I am waiting diligently for December 2012 for “The Hobbit”, and I think that was one of the main factors driving my decision to order Sherlock Season 1. I need to say that I've never really been a fan of Sherlock Holmes, I have seen the 2 Sherlock movies with Robert Downey Jr., and enjoyed how brilliant Sherlock Holmes is. With this knowledge it seemed Sherlock would be a good choice for a TV show to purchase.

Sherlock blew me away! This contemporary Sherlock is amazingly brilliant. Benedict Cumberbatch is what I imagine Sherlock Holmes to be, from the way he looks, to his voice, even down to how he dresses; he embodies what my limited knowledge of Sherlock Holmes. Martin Freeman (aka Bilbo) plays Dr. Watson a returning war veteran who needs a roommate, and ends up living with Sherlock, and helping him on his ‘dangerous’ cases.

This show is well written, well acted, and has that touch of class I’ve been missing in my TV shows. There were times that I had to pause or rewind my DVD because I was laughing-crying so hard I was missing what happened next. After seeing season 1 I cannot wait for season 2 (in the US), and more to come. It has left me wanting to go to my library and find the works of Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle to learn more about the crazy brilliant Sherlock Holmes, and his friend Dr. Watson, and there adventures.